Saturday turned out to be the perfect bookend to a pretty solid week on the bike. 2 Don Valley training rides and a pre-tour of the new Dagmar trail with Jeff & Co.
So the plan was hatched. A Lake Simcoe ride via Zephyr and Jacksons Point. Throw in 2 flats ( yours truly ) 1 throw away Vittoria Open Corso tire, 1 km of gravel, a boatload of headwind and that's what the 120+ km route had in store for us.
We started out Saturday at 6 a.m. in the hopes of beating the heat and
salvaging some of the long weekend for non riding commitments. It seems
everyone was pulled in one way or another.
The day was perfect, the route was somewhat new and we hit a few roads that I had not done before. 2 flats, fresh butter tarts and coffee equals good times.
As you can see from the picture the wind strung us out pretty good coming back from Lake Simcoe but that is nothing
new it seems for the summer of the changing headwind. For whatever
reason it is a curse and leg destroyer. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger or something like that...
All in all a solid lake ride with talk of getting another one in this fall. This weekend is the Ride For Karen and the long range forecast looks perfect.