Sunday, October 14, 2018

From Dump to Don: Toronto’s Rowdy Riding Scene / BIKE Magazine

Disclaimer: these are my home trails. I can usually be on off camber trails within a 10 min bike ride from my front door so I was super stoked to see BIKE magazine showing some love to what we commonly just call “ The Don “.

from dump to don


The parking lot at Toronto's Crothers Woods trailhead does not reveal its secret. If you believe the kiosk, a few little trails spider down a hill and around some forested flats, forming a pleasant, if insignificant, network of beginner-friendly singletrack.

When we arrive, at 9:30 on a Thursday morning in October, only two others are there. A friend has arranged for us to meet a local bike mechanic for a tour, and another regular has joined him. By tomorrow morning, after nearly eight hours of pedaling, it will be clear that Toronto holds the most unlikely promised land in North American mountain biking, a bounty of such challenge and character and unfathomable variety that I will struggle to explain it for months. But now, standing across a swath of asphalt from the Loblaws grocery store, I cannot help but think the Don River Valley has been overblown by locals who need to get out more........

** The rest of the article can be found HERE